Guest WiFi
Manage every step of your guest WiFi experience, from login methods and beautifully designed splash pages, to branding, promotions and advertising.
Our cloud-based guest WiFi solution provides an overlay to your existing WiFi infrastructure, so no extra hardware is required. Setup is seriously quick - we’re talking under an hour - and everything is managed via an online portal.

Guest WiFi Features

Our system
detects a customer’s
browser language and
updates to match

Manage WiFi
Separate guest WiFi from
Staff Wifi and control
data usage and duration
you want to give for free

Build opt-in customer
database. We are fully
GDPR Compliant
Benefits of Guest WiFi

Present your loyalty
program and other
unique offers throughout
the login journey

Cross promote
your venues

Collect customer data
via captive portal

WandaFi works with
most major hardware
providers so no new
hardware is required